The Islamic empire had its roots in the career of the Prophet Muhammad (d. 632 C.E./II A.H.) and initially came into existence as a consequence of the extensive conquests on which Muhammad's followers embarked immediately after his death. During the empire's first two centuries, the ad hoc and sometimes tribally based governing structures of the conquest period were gradually replaced by more systematically organized bureaucratic institutions; in some cases, the Islamic empire drew on structures and traditions of the Byzantine or Sassanian empires as models for these institutions.
Rise and Expansion of Islam, 610-945
In the early 7th century, Arab Muslim armies spread out from the Arabian Peninsula into the surrounding lands and, in a wave of expansion that lasted about a hundred years, conquered almost the entire Middle East and North Africa.
Patoral People on the Global Stage: the Mongols, 1200-1500
Mongol Period
THE MONGOLS in central Asia formed a new empire under Temujin (1167 to 1227), who rapidly expanded the empire by use of strategy and his military machine, employing discipline, extraordinary mobility (especially on horseback), espionage, terror, and superior siege material.
The Mongols, who created the largest connected land empire in world history, originated as a group in eastern Mongolia that in the early thirteenth century came under the leadership of Genghis Khan. When they first appeared on the historical stage, they were pastoral nomads, migrating several times a year to find grass and water for their animals.
to take the Holy Land back from the Islamic Empires
the first cruscade was a relgous battle to take jerusalum
Demand-Pull Inflation is a phenomenon where the demand for some service or good is greater than the supply. As the supply is not available at a certain moment, the seller raises the price of his goods, causing demand-pull inflation. This means that, when consumer demand increases, the seller must have prepared some additional supplies of the product. However, additional supplies are often unavailable, so other sellers raise their prices in order to earn more money on the demanded product.
This phenomenon is caused by rapid economic growth, increased money supplies and it is often related to the products of the strong brand.
Im not sure specifically what case you're referring to but lack of emotion in cases doesn't mean someone is guilty or unaffected. a lot of times a person is in shock or is trying to keep from being overly emotional.
The diary of Louis and Clark, or Louis and Clark's adventures through out the Louisiana purchase land, with Sacagawea