There are three types of balance which are symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance, and approximate balance. Symmetrical balance is where the artwork is evenly placed with its balance. Asymmetrical balance is where it’s not evenly placed with balance. Approximate balance is where the piece of artwork has balance using the other elements of art like colors, lines, shapes and more, but doesn’t have any identical areas or objects within the artwork
TAB shows which frets to play on which string.
TAB is usually easier to read than regular scales and notes. It shows the specific fret you play on the specific string instead of the clef and note.
Tab usually is for guitar and is has 6 lines denoted for the strings of the guitar. Instead notes, you would see the number of the fret you are supposed to play on.
Attached is a TAB I made for a specific song.
Alma Thomas : Jacob Lawrence: Aaron Douglas...
Alma thomas is artist , project, art ,2 people is like this
Demi Lovato – For the Love of a Daughter Lyrics
I love Demi Lovato
Hey i am learning about this!!!