The man in the jail house tried to kill or find trouble for Tom Robinson. Luckily Atticus was there and Jem had the idea of following his father because he was worried. Scout later then solved the issue by mentioning Mr Cunningham's trail (or some sort I forgot) and they all realised that Atticus is just trying to do his job and justify the person like how he treats them. At last they went back and Tom wasn't harmed.
what is this I need more info honey
I would say C, Definitions - because dictionaries are used to see what the words mean in usually a brief explanation and there is no history or language origins (some specific ones may but not ALL DICTIONARIES)
On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. led a march on Washington, D.C. The speech he gave that day is one of the best known in American history. When people remember the “I Have a Dream” speech, as it has come to be known, they recall King’s message about civil rights. But perhaps the reason it is so memorable is because King was a master of literary and rhetorical devices. His word choice matched the strength of his message.
This lesson plan allows students to review literary terms, rhetorical devices and figurative language with a scavenger hunt through “I Have a Dream” speech. Then you can have students discuss or write about the speech using the literary terminology. This lesson can be modified to work well for everyone from students just learning about metaphor for the first time to AP students reviewing for their upcoming exams.
A- “to relate an abstract concept to something real”
The point of this passage is definitely not for the sake of putting in food readers may like. The point is to put in an abstract concept-love- and make a metaphor(comparing it) to real life things to help the reader visualize what the author is trying to say better.