Many were staying at home and taking care of their husbands, the children, and the house.
Pseudo-listening.<span> The intent of </span>pseudo-listening<span> is not to </span>listen<span>, but to cater to some other personal need of the listener.</span>
<span>The poem, "Still it be Neat" by Ben Jonson, demonstrates that the only thing stagnant in life is the way to men's hearts. The first stanza of the poem describes the perfect lady of the seventeenth century. She is always to be powered, perfumed, and neat. The poem continues with a sweet contradiction. It verifies that regardless of how appealing the typical lady of that era is; it is still insufficient to reach a man's heart. Beauty is too superficial to be the basis for loving another person.</span>
I found it...
JFK only wanted the U.S. and all other countries at peace. He was up for a challenge, but in his speech he just wanted "peaceful solutions" for all problems. It didn't matter if it was about global warming, global hunger, or global economic struggles. It didn't even matter if it was the entire world or just a few counties, or maybe the United States. He wanted peace. His point in his inauguration was to remind the U.S their strength and keep everything happening in an order it should be in.
Hope this helps a little, at least. :)