Because it is important commercial waterway for exported goods
The ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere, and biosphere interact with the geosphere via the earth's crust.
Atmospheres are layers of gas that surround planets and other celestial bodies. Earth's atmosphere is composed of approximately 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% other gases. 1: the total mass of air surrounding the earth. 2: Gas surrounding celestial bodies (planets, etc.) The atmosphere of Mars is mainly composed of carbon dioxide. 3: air of a place. 4: Ambient influence or set of conditions An atmosphere of excitement.
The atmosphere is defined as the region of air and gas surrounding an object in space, such as a star or planet, or the air around any location. An example of the atmosphere is the ozone and other layers that make up the Earth's sky as we see it. An example of an atmosphere is the air and gases contained in a greenhouse.
Learn more about the atmosphere here
Because of favorable climatic condition..
easy to access to the market...
better transportation facilities ..
easy connectivity
Because of its rivers and topography containing Big rivers with hydroelectric potential
Summed up Hydroelectric power is obtained by the water flow moving turbines that generate electric power. This water is obtained from rivers with a high flow generally near mountainous regions, this kind of rivers is all over Europe because of its topography, the Alps and the Ural mountains are home of many hydroelectric plants taking advantage of the rivers flowing down. For example in Austria, the Danube River is used for obtaining Hydroelectric power.
Although the Hydroelectric plants are smaller compared to Asian or Canadian plants, hydroelectric power is still one of the main sources of energy for central Europe, countries like Spain, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Austria take advantage of their mountains and rivers running down them for building the hydroelectric plants.