The potential energy in food is what we call a Calorie, which (note the capitalization) is actually a kiloCalorie (1000 calories). Just pick any food high in calories; fats and oils are very calorie dense.
24 molecules
All the carbon in the sugar comes from CO2. 6 molecules of CO2 need to be fixed to form 1 molecule of glucose (a 6 carbon sugar). So 24 molecules of CO2 should enter the calvin cycle to produce a sugar that has 24 carbon atoms.
A gorilla's jaw is different from a human's jaw due to the way that their jaws open for example a gorilla's jaw will open from the top of their head to even their bottom such as their jaw while a human jaw will open from the bottom.
fossil fuels are made from decayed plants and animals that have been converted to crude oil,coal,natural gas or heavy oils by exposure to heat and pressure
oil is a liquid hydrocarbon that is formed when a rock high in organic carbon is subjected to heat and pressure
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Moist and Warm because fungi is bomb