According to Crusoe which word describes a good wife
My perfect day would be when I wake up having breakfast in my bed with my favorite movie and then put on the most comfortable and beautiful clothes I have, go out with my friends. When I get home, my family has prepared my favorite food for me, but to make the day perfect they cannot say no to anything or scold me. At night, have a sleepover with my best friend and stay up until dawn.
Personification because a beach cannot realistically "call" your name.
Examples of Covert in a sentence The spy went to great lengths to make sure his enemies would not discover his covert plans. Because my husband is always snooping into my affairs, I am working very hard to keep his surprise party covert.
this what it means covert :not openly acknowledged or displayed.
He was shocked when she kissed him, because she was white. This shows that interracial relationships or any sort of intimacy was unusual for people in Maycomb. He was also scared because he knew that it wasn't normal for that to happen and worried about what would happen and or what people would say because she was a white woman, and no one was going to believe that he didn't kiss her back.
Hope this helps!