The total amount of cash received is $91,350,000
The amount of cash proceeds realized from the bond issuance is the 99% of face value of $90 million plus the coupon interest due from January 2018(date of the bond) to April 1 ,2018(the date of bond issuance),that is three months of coupon interest payment.
The bond proceeds is computed as below:
Discounted bond price 99%*$90,000,000 =$ 89,100,000
Three months of interest 10%*$90,000,000*3/12 =$2,250,000
Total amount received from bond issue $91,350,000
The penalty in that case was just around $4 million.
$4 mil/$43 mil = .093 %
The correct answer is - No,
The correct answer is - No,
The answer is no because the broker brings a buyer who is ready to give 1005 cash offer which is against the legal agreement defined by the owner. owner state that he is only taking a 25% cash offer.
Therefore the owner wouldn't consider the broker and didn't due broker commission.
The total number of hours worked by an average factory worker has fallen over the years