<span> I don't think third trimester abortions are allowed unless the health of the woman is in danger.
Anti-semitism refers the the ideology against the Jewish race. It describes discrimination and hostility against this group. According to Britannica, the term was coined by Wihelm Marr to coordinate the anti-Jewish sentiment campaigns during the late 1800s.
The sixteenth amendment (amendment XVI)
The colonists objected the British's taxes, and wanted the British to not have so much control over them. They thought that King George lll was a tyrant and wanted freedom.
New weapons produced during the Industrial Revolution in the late 1800s heightened existing tensions among European nations as countries strove to outpace their enemies technologically. This armaments race accelerated in the decade before 1914 as the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy squared off against the Triple Entente of France, Russia, and Britain. Germany’s fears of increases in Russian armaments, and British fears of the German naval buildup, contributed heavily to the outbreak and spread of the First World War in 1914.