Isolationists were people who pulled away from involvement in foreign affairs. This mainly happened after WWI. U.S.A did not want to become involved with the League of Nations.The League of Nations was a group of countries that tried to create world peace. The Americans did not want to be entangled into another war with the Germans.
ativism is a term that is used to mean the opposition of immigration. Nativism favored the primary race of the country (White). This was a post WWI trend. Millions of Europeans were seeking to immigrate in other parts of the world and many of them tried to come to the United States. Many Americans mainly did not like the Germans because they started the war. Many Americans were nativists and had prejudices
Against the German people.
The Emergency Quota Act was a movement that limited the number of immigrants each year that emigrated to the U.S. All of these topics affected politics in the 1920’s, especially the Quota System. This favored all western Europeans and created a drop in immigrations for the U.S. The Americans did not play any German music. Also, they wouldn’t allow the Americans to speak German.
Although Belisarius seems never to have been disloyal, Justinian was always fearful that so popular a commander might attempt to seize the throne, and he was always receptive to slanders circulated by the general's enemies.
Those who lived through the war between 1914 and 1918 undoubtedly thought that it was a world conflict and they called it that. From his perspective, the war was of such magnitude that it seemed that the entire planet was collapsing. The term World War expressed the scale of fear that the conflict had generated.
En espanol:
Los que vivieron la guerra entre 1914 y 1918 pensaron sin duda que se trataba de un conflicto mundial y así la llamaron. Desde su perspectiva, la guerra era de tal magnitud que parecía que el planeta entero estaba colapsando. El término Guerra Mundial expresaba la escala de pavor que había generado el conflicto.
Reagan's time as President was so impactful on the USA that he is often quoted and his administration is often used as the gold standard when people are talking about national policy.