they needed fur back in the day
The FEMA website would be more likely to have accurate information than an outside source.
The FEMA website, being a government source, would report their data and information and accurately as possible.
Outside sources regarding FEMA would contain bias, personal experience, and potentially slanted data. FEMA could have misrepresented data but they answer to the government and the people of the country, whereas outside sources answer to an organization or business. Outside sources would need to be corroborated to verify the information. Though all sources should be verified and corroborated, typically government sources are most accurate.
The League of Nations was established after WWl between the United States and some European countries as an attempt to try to stay out of future wars. It was proposed by President Woodrow Wilson, but Congress denied involvement in the organization due to the fact that they believed we should not be meddling in Europe's affairs.