The correct answer is A) Conflict Theory.
Conflict Theory emphasizes the relative stability of culture and its core values and believes that members of society function together.
Under the principles of this theory, authors consider that culture is the result of different systems of production that are part of modern society.
For these authors, the Conflict Theory understands the structure of society as the sum of power differentials such as social class, race, and age. These concepts are reinforced by the way culture is expressed in these societies through dominant groups that have more opportunities than minorities.
Conflict theorists argue about who should use the law in order to reinforce their place in society. They say the powerful.
Conflict theory says that stratification, the presence of social classes- is dysfunctional and harms society. It foments inequity because it favors the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor. This creates an unjust system of those who win versus those who lose. And powerful people maintain this hierarchy because it corresponds to their interests and agendas.