Warm, humid climate near the Equator
- For the formation of the coal deposits the presence of the swampy vegetation and the needs a lot of moisture content and a plenty of warm temperatures for them to thrive. These conditions would have been near the today equator.
A free enterprise system allows people to open businesses if theywant to. It also allows for businesses to compete with each other.
c. A dam can significantly reduce or shut off the supply of sediment to a delta.
- The rivers that drain into the ocean have deltas and they form the mouth of the river and the soil rich land is a called as the delta. The dam can significantly stop or shut the supply of the sediments to the deltas.
The answer to your fine question is D.
-Mountains provide us with freshwater, energy, food, biodiversity, and medicinal products – resources that may become very rare in the coming decades. They are also very prone to climate changes, land degradation, deforestation and natural disasters.