The correct answer is A. The map illustrates the countries occupied by Germany during World War II.
In addition to the German territory during the Weimar Republic, the new Reich came to include, in the years preceding the Second World War, areas with Germanic ethnic populations such as Saarland, Austria (after the Anschluss is renamed Ostmark), Sudetes (Crisis of the Sudeten) and the territory of Memel. Regions acquired after the outbreak of World War II include Eupen and Malmédy (taken from Belgium), Alsace-Lorraine (taken from France), Danzig and various territories in central and northern Poland. In addition, from 1939 to 1945, the Third Reich annexed the Czech territory of the Czechoslovak Republic giving it the name of Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia as a subjugated territory. Although this protectorate was considered a part of the "Greater Germany", it maintained its own currency and a commercial "internal border" with Germany.
In addition to the territory of Germany during the Weimar Republic, the new Reich came to include, in the years preceding the Second World War, areas with Germanic ethnic populations such as Saarland, Austria (after the Anschluss is renamed Ostmark), Sudetes (Crisis of the Sudeten) and the territory of Memel. Regions acquired after the outbreak of World War II include Eupen and Malmédy (taken from Belgium), Alsace-Lorraine (taken from France), Danzig and various territories in central and northern Poland. In addition, from 1939 to 1945, the Third Reich annexed the Czech territory of the Czechoslovak Republic giving it the name of Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia as a subjugated territory. Although this protectorate was considered a part of the "Greater Germany", it maintained its own currency and a commercial "internal border" with Germany.
Czech Silesia was incorporated in the province of Silesia in the same period. In 1942, the occupied Luxembourg was directly annexed as a province of Germany. The south and central regions of Poland were in charge of an occupation government called the General Government, although in a much less autonomous position than the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and with the persistent threat of totally "Germanizing" the territory and expelling the cities to the Polish population, with a view to total annexation in the future. At the end of 1943, after the surrender of the Kingdom of Italy, Germany was occupying Istria militarily and South Tyrol, which had been Austrian territory before 1918; although in this case there was no direct annexation, the Third Reich did not allow any control of this territory to the Italian Social Republic, and in fact these regions remained under German civil administration.
En la cultura inca la educación estaba reservada para los nobles. Seimpartía en las escuelas de su capital, Cuzco, las cuales recibían elnombre deyacha huaci. En ellas se instruía a los jóvenes desde laadolescencia, y se les preparaba para ser sacerdotes o dirigentes.Durante cuatro años estudiaban matemáticas, historia, política,astronomía, medicina y el manejo de los quipu. Los encargadosde la enseñanza eran losamautas, que en lengua quechua significa“maestro” o “sabio”. Ellos eran ayudados por losharavicuso poe-tas, que preparaban lecciones en verso para que los alumnos lasmemorizaran.A las mujeres nobles, que se instruían en elacllahuasio escuela,se les llamabaacllaso “mujeres escogidas”, las cuales eran seleccio-nadas por su belleza; estaban destinadas a los servicios religiososy se les enseñaba a confeccionar finas vestimentas. En ciertas cir-cunstancias, el sapa inca las entregaba como esposas a los más altosdignatarios del gobierno.El resto de los niños no asistía a la escuela, así que eran educa-dos por sus padres. Aprendían a cultivar, cazar y elaborar objetos decerámica, mientras que a las niñas se les enseñaba a tejer, cocinar yhacer labores de limpieza
The members of the Cabinet are often the President's closest confidants.
The United States contributes to the end of World War II in Europe and in Pacific as given below.
During World War II, the United States began to provide military supplies and support to the Allies. In the final battles in the European Theatre, American played a vital role by helping the British forces in the D-Day when Nazi Germany surrenders its armed forces in 1945, marking the end of World War II in Europe.
After the attack on the Pearl Harbour, American entered into war and tried to capture the Pacific, which was under the control of Japan. Japan saw territorial expansion in Asia and the Pacific Ocean. The purpose was to become a superpower in Asia. The victory of the Battle of Midway (in 1942) played an influential role for the United States because they stopped Japan in expanding its power in the Pacific through defeating Japanese naval power.
The correct answer is Ravenna.
That is because Ravenna was a city that was reconquered by the Byzantine empire after it originally fell to the Ostrogoth when the fall of the Western Roman Empire occurred. It was a capital for western Romans and for the Ostrogoth, but it wasn't for the Byzantine people who had their own capitol even after they reconquered it.