A. midnight judges
Explanation: Midnight judges was an internal affair that later would create a need for Judicial Review. The British were arming Native Americans which was harming westward expansion and impressment (capturing of American sailors to work for British Navy) also led to war.
Answer: Central America is a land bridge connecting the North and South American continents, with the Pacific Ocean to its west and the Caribbean Sea to its east. A central mountain chain dominates the interior from Mexico to Panama. The coastal plains of Central America have tropical and humid type A climates.
The supreme court tends to check congress more than the president because congress passes laws, which change the way the courts work in this country, so the supreme court is a major stake holder in what gets passed through acts of congress. Most of the time, a president is checked by the court through a bill they've thrown serious political muscle behind and gotten passed through congress. Great examples of the supreme court striking down presidentially endorsed acts of congress is the court striking down the Agricultural Adjustment Administration and the national Recovery Administration that FDR pushed for as part of the New Deal. This also nearly happened in recent times with Obamacare, where several components of the bill narrowly avoided being struck down by the supreme court. The supreme court can also check executive orders. The supreme court also struck down some elements of President Trump's muslim ban in the last month.
Paternalism is the behavior that a group of people expresses towards others, in which they limit those others’ liberty or autonomy for their own good. In paternalism towards adults it seems as if the adults are treated like children and cannot think for themselves. The southern slave owners thought of themselves as kind and responsible masters even though they bought and sold their human properties.
Question: In the south, the paternalist ethos:
Answer: a. reflected the hierarchical society in which the planter took responsibility for the lives of those around him.
It picked seeds out of cotton and helped the people sew