Consumers are buying organic food despite its generally higher price tag. ... These price premiums reflect consumers' willingness to pay for attributes and additional production costs associated with organic foods, such as organic certification and the lack of pesticides during production.
As for why more people are buying organics, most do so to avoid synthetic pesticides on produce, and antibiotics and synthetic growth hormones in meat. Others do so because organic foods are free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
The health specialist assigns and ICD-9 CM code E000.0 - E999.1 for classification of external causes of injury and poisoning. Since the patient suffered a fractured tibia while on a ski trip, it doesn't mean that he was injured while skiing. The health specialist will need to find the main cause of his fractured tibia, and in that, will be given ICD-9 code E000.0 - E999.1.
An organ system
Group of cells are organs
Organs working together are organ systems
Organs systems togethers is an organism
The most logical answer is because adults have more experience driving than teens because most of the time, practice helps to make perfect. But there are some teens who are better drivers than adults and teens that aren't great at driving at all, and the same can be with adults!