Answer: Construct Validity
Construct Validity is a measure of how well a test is structured to examine the fact or event we actually want to measure. Put simply, do the variables we are trying to measure and labels we assign them reflect the idea that we intend?
In this question, the threat to construct validity is that black/white does not refer to race but social status due to the culture where the terms are used. The labels used here will translate into a test that measures a completely different idea, and will also generate different results from what is intended.
Egyptians were better off with a democratically elected regime. The benefits of a democracy by far surpasses the excesses of a military dictatorship, in that in a democracy, freedoms and liberties are protected.
however, the Egyptian situation was different because the democratically elected president became the enemy of freedoms and liberties such as freedom to worship, and promoted radical brotherhood views.
the problem was with the way the transition was handled, as the military ought to have let parliament or the people decide the course of society. the problem, however is, with religion such as Islam the achievement of the democratic ideals is a long shot?
William Shakespeare was one of the greatest playwrights in the world.
He wrote many popular sonnets and plays.
Some of his greatest works are Romeo and Juliet, MacBeth, Julius Caesar, and A Midsummer Night's Dream
Hope this helps BUddy!
Congrtas on ur 1st question!
Federalist No. 71 is one of <em>The Federalist Papers</em>, written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay to promote the ratification of the Constitution. Federalist No. 71 is titled "The Duration in Office of the Executive" and it established the duration of the office, which is of four years.
1. Federalist 71 supports Federalist 51, which deals with the system of checks and balances and the separation of powers. The term of four years, Hamilton argued, would allow the president to become comfortable in his position. He would develop his expertise and that would give him independence from the legislative branch. This autonomy would provide a check against the passions or unwise opinions of the public.
2. The four-year-term is still the standard today. A lot of what Hamilton argued has remained true. For example, Hamilton argued that a relatively short term would force presidents to worry about satisfying the people, as opposed to the unaccountability of long-term rulers. This is still true as presidents mostly try to maintain a good image and record during their first tenure.
3. Federalist 71 establishes that the presidential tenure should be of four years. This is long enough for the president to get well-acquainted with the job, and for real change to happen, but not so long that accountability is forgotten.
4. A strong federal government is required in order to foster cooperation between states. It is also important for ensuring that the Constitution is respected all over the country.