1- Efectivamente, hoy en día nos encontramos viviendo en un mundo globalizado, ya que se trata de un sistema mundial interconectado, donde todas las sociedades y gobiernos tienen una comunicación fluida y constante entre sí en forma rápida y dinámica. Esto se ha logrado a través del desarrollo de los medios de comunicación, que permiten la conectividad a gran escala.
2- Un aspecto positivo de la globalización en mi vida personal es que el desarrollo de las comunicaciones y las tecnologías me permite poder comunicarme con personas de mi familia que viven en otro país a decenas de miles de kilómetros de distancia, con solo apretar un botón y esperar tan sólo unos pocos segundos. Es decir, la globalización acorta las distancias y reduce los tiempos, uniendo más a las personas y, por ende, a los pueblos y países.
3- Un efecto negativo de la globalización es que todos los eventos políticos y sociales que ocurren en un país tienen repercusión en los demás países. Por ejemplo, una ley en los Estados Unidos puede influir en el desarrollo del comercio en Latinoamérica, influyendo negativamente en las economías de países con menor desarrollo, pudiendo causar problemas económicos a estos.
All Oceanic languages belong to the same language family, the Austronesian language family.
The Oceanic languages are languages that are dispersed all over Oceania, occupying one of the largest linguistic areas in the world. Despite occupying such vast area, there are only around 2 million speakers of these languages, as the native populations on the islands in Oceania are not large in general. There are over 450 Oceanic languages, and they are part of the Austronesian language family, and tracing their origin in the Proto-Oceanic language.
The three regions where these languages are spoken are Melanesia, Polynesia, and Micronesia. It is no wonder that the people from these three regions have languages from the same family, as they all share common ancestors, so as they were diverging, the language was just developing in a slightly different way, but still keeping the basics. These languages can be grouped into:
- Admiralties and Yapese
- St. Matthias
- Western Oceanic
- Temotu
- Central Eastern Oceanic
The largest individual language by people that speak them are:
- Eastern Fijian
- Samoan
- Kiribati
- Tongan
- Tahitian
- Maori
Learn more about the languages of the Indo-European family
Settlers who grew just enough crops to support likely lived in the North.
Hope this Helps!
<span>A method of processing coal to remove contaminants by mixing coal in a solution of potassium permanganate in a selected concentration range, rinsing the coal, mixing the coal in a solution of ammonia hydroxide in a selected concentration range to cause the solution to be brought into contact with the surfaces and pores of the coal, discharging the processed coal from the second reaction vessel, monitoring the process to detect when the concentration of aqueous ammonia in the second reaction vessel has fallen below the selected range, and feeding aqueous ammonia solution with an ammonia concentration in or above the selected range to the second reaction vessel to return the solution to within the selected range.</span>
Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word "Allah" to mean "God". The Christian Arabs of today have no other word for "God" than "Allah". Similarly, the Aramaic word for "God" in the language of Assyrian Christians is ʼĔlāhā, or Alaha.