The Tang Materia Medica was the first <em>pharmaceutical</em> book.
Materia Medica is the Latin term for collected knowledge about healing substances. The Tang Materia medica was written circa 659 CE and it is one of many contributions by the Tang dynasty to science. The book, published by the then ruling Chinese government, is a compilation of drugs and instructions for their use. The book has 54 volumes, divided into 3 parts:
- The Main body (20 volumes) and Table of contents (1 volume).
- Pictures of medicines (25 volumes) and Table of contents (1 volume).
- Illustrated description (7 volumes).
After it was published and distributed throughout the country by the Tang government, it became the national basis for the medical practice for more than 400 years.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the U.S. witnessed a rise of public interest groups, due to the progressive spirit of the time where a good number of them established their offices after 1960 and opened their doors after 1970s. The interest groups comprised of: professional associations, public interest groups, business and agricultural groups, labor groups, ideological groups, and public-sector groups. Several factors determined the growth interest groups in the United States. First, The U.S. is heterogeneous in several aspects: its geography, climate, economic potential, culture, ethnicity, and religions. The heterogeneity resulted in political, socio-economic and cultural divisions which led to the evolution of several interest groups, each with unique objectives.
D. Manifest Destiny.
The idea that the U.S. was meant to expand into new territories was known as Manifest Destiny.
This was very important during Westward Expansion and at the end of the 1800s, many Americans thought the U.S. should continue to expand, even overseas.
1. In factories more stuff was done by machine vs farm where you use your hands more
2. It was less demanding on farms they did not need as many people to work on a machine where as in a factory they had kids slaving in hot conditions just to feed their family.