multicultural Sunni Islamic state
Under Suleiman the Great, the Ottoman Empire grew larger and stronger, incorporating new territories in its borders, thus new groups of people as well. This resulted in an empire that had an abundance of different cultures and religions in its borders. The Sunni Islam was the state religion and it was set up higher in the hierarchy than the rest, but the empire had multiple others, including Orthodox Christian, Catholic, Armenian Christian, Jews. This made the empire a multicultural empire, though it has to be mentioned that the multiculturalism did not work well in this case, as the people of different cultures, ethnic groups, or religions were constantly rebelling against the suppressing Ottomans.
100,000 years ago during the final part of the last Ice Age, sea levels dropped revealing land corridors that the Native Americans traveled on to get to North America. (land corridors)
have to be letter A. My Lai Massacre
The most important body of water in the history of the Greek people was the "Aegean Sea," since this was where a great deal of trade, as well as warfare, took place.