Answer: in the state's public schools, as the bureau helped establish the first public schools in the state.
The Freedmen's Bureau was a federal agency that was established after the Civil war to assist formerly enslaved people and help them set themselves up after leaving slavery in abject poverty.
In Georgia - and other Southern states - they established schools for black people which were publicly funded by both the Bureau and aid societies. These were the first public schools in a state that had instead relied on school tax to assist poor whites at private schools before the war.
The Soviet Union. They lost over 15% of their population.
Sense of Congress on sustaining national space commitments. (3) The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2005 of the ISS impact the ability to conduct future deep space exploration activities
-people wanted to move because they wanted better lives. they faced dangerous journeys .
-they moved west because land was cheap or free and they thought they would do better business in the west .
-people who weren't making business or wasn't making any money, found the opportunities to move west to start everything all over again