restricted and fixated interest
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is the disorder which makes the individual loose control on the impulsive behavior and to give attention. It leads to restlessness and over activeness thereby creating an abnormal behavior altogether. Much of the symptoms start to become visible during childhood but the symptoms may appear in adulthood also.
1. you did something wrong.
2. you think so much about failure, that you end up by doing nothing.
3. you have to do some things that are not very pleasant. You should wait to have some results. You should take efforts to succeed.
4. You have to determine what you should focus on.
5.Ask yourself if the actions you take produce results?
6. You did not ask for advice anybody else who work in the same sphere.
7. You did not study the similar schemes.
8. Your idea was not competitive.
9. You did not evaluate opportunities and threads of the process.