The identifiers in C, C++, C#, Java and other programming languages are a combination of letters, numbers and the underscore symbol. The laters versions of C and C++ allows you to use almost all Unicode characters. In Java, you can use also the dollar sign.
From that you have to be careful to follow these rules:
-Don't use keywords.
-Don't include white spaces.
-Don't use operators.
-Don't repeat identifiers.
-Don't start your identifier with a number.
-Don't use two consecutive underscores.
So app_234, happyTimesAhead, and cis22B are follo wing these rules but 321Go starts with a number.
Answer: Mario, Donkey Kong, and Legend of Zelda.
To be honest those are not the only games that Shigeru Miyamoto is associated with, but these are the games that he is most known for. Shigeru Miyamoto is a video game designer and producer who works for the Nintendo company.
These games mentioned are just some of the games that he helped produce for the company. He started working for the Nintendo company on 1977 and helped with the production of multiple games after joining the company. He initially started working in the Nintendo company as a manga artist, but then moved on to help design and produce different video games.
is there multiple choice or do i have to answer from my own words??
You can have many catch blocks to handle different types of exceptions.
In programming, catch and try are blocks of codes that are written to handle errors. While the try block of code will allow for the definition of code blocks which are tested for errors, the catch block of code allows the programmer to define the block of code to be executed if an error occurs in the try block.... somewhat like the if....else statements. since there could be different error handling scenarios,one can have as many catch blocks for different error exceptions