Below is the required code:
SELECT Product_Finish AS "Desk Finish",
avg(Standard_Price) AS "Average Price"
FROM Product_T
WHERE "Average Price">200
ORDER BY "Average Price" DESC;
go to the side with you mouse drag it ove or the restoere down button at the top right in between the - and the x hope this haelp may you mark me as brainlyest pls and thank you have a bless day <3
The price could go up, it might not work then later down the road
Try refreshing the page, if not restart your device check your internet etc.
// Program is written in C++ Programming Language
// Comments are used for explanatory purpose
// Program starts here
using namespace std;
int main ()
// Declare Variable
int selection;
// Prompt user to make a selection of medium between air, water or steel.
cout<<"Make Selection"<<'\n'<<"Press 1 for Air"<<'\n'<<"Press 2 for Water"<<'\n'<<"Press 3 for Steel";
// Check for entry
if(selection == 1) {
cout<<"You selected Air"<<'\n';
cout<<"The distance travelled by sound wave in air is 1,125 feet in 1 second";
else if(selection == 2) {
cout<<"You selected Water"<<'\n';
cout<<"The distance travelled by sound wave in water is 4859 feet in 1 second";
else if(selection == 3) {
cout<<"You selected Steel"<<'\n';
cout<<"The distance travelled by sound wave in steel is 19554 feet in 1 second";
cout<<"Invalid Selection";
return 0;