my band played this song the tempo of it is 120bpm depending on if its instrumental or singing. the instrumentation changes slightly first in the beginning and a little through out the song. there are multiple instruments in this song such as percussion,mellophone,trumpet,guitar i believe baritone flute and clarinets. the song represents a journey through multiple instruments including wave like music it also shows that we should never give up
Tint for white and shade for black.
When you add white to a hue, its value increases, and you get different TINT
of that hue. When you add black to a hue, its value decreases and you get different SHADE
of that hue.
D. Beurre manié
Beurre manié is a term of French origin which means “kneaded butter.”
When it comes to ingredients of this mixture, it’s as simple as flour and butter. The ingredients are not cooked together from the beginning of the meal. They are used to make a paste, which can be added at the last minute to sauces or soups, in order to quickly thicken them.
Compared to other thickening methods, this one will give your meal a rich full taste too.
To make your beurre manié, simply mix together equal parts of soft butter and white flour and whisk it until it's smooth and thick.