it takes up 60% of our body.
:(PART 2)Take a rest.Wear the appropriate safety equipment. Muscles must be built up. Increase your adaptability. Use the proper approach. Take a rest. Take safety precautions. It is never a smart idea to play through pain.
:(PART 1) Take these steps to get back on your feet if you suspect you've suffered a concussion: Seek the advice of a concussion expert. The first step after a traumatic brain injury is to see a doctor.Rest and relax.Patience is required. Keep yourself hydrated and eat well. Electronics should be avoided. Consult a physical therapist. Slowly Resuming your normal schedule is a good idea.
I hope that Explains it
All of the above is your answer
Just ignore her/him and don't talk with her
No they shouldn’t. If you pop a blister you’re more likely to get an infection since it’s an open wound after you pop it. And if you get an infection the chances of you going into septic shock are high.