let me see him or I'm running away and I'll tell the cops you gave me these bruises
This is a very tricky question as you can get a lot of answers that will be partially correct.
The best answer in my oppinion is between the range of 7 minutes to around 15 minutes.
The reason why saying just one value isn'the best idea is because, if we have two groups of people, the average for the first group might be 7 minutes, and the average for the second group might be 11 minutes. So it's hard to say the average is 7 minutes. It's better presented in an interval where we can find this number :)
Because if they have sexual intercourse with a condom the egg inside you won’t get fertilized and become your period if they have sexual inter course without a condom the egg will be put together with the spent and fertilize the egg and become a baby
The answer is b. it is indirect therefore if it doesn't touch it it cant contaminate it
I think it is A cardiovascular exercise because it reduces blood pressure through a reduction of vascular resistance