This system is distinguished from others because it has a chief executive (the president) who is chosen by the people to serve a limited term in office with a distinct separation of powers (the executive branch) as well as specific limitations on exactly what he/she can do while in office.
Japan's isolation came to an end in 1853 when Commodore Matthew Perry of the United States Navy, commanding a squadron of two steam ships and two sailing vessels, sailed into Tokyo harbor. He sought to force Japan to end their isolation and open their ports to trade with U.S merchant ships
Answer: The constitutional/federal amendment process must be proposed by Congress/2/3 majority vote from the House Of Representatives, or by 2/3 of state legislatures.
flying cars
as technology advances, I believe that our IT workers will produce a prolific amount of flying cars that will utilize greenhouse gases as fuel.
The president uses the media to influence public opinion on policy through speeches or opinions issued through mass communication channels, such as television, social networks, radio or newspapers. In this way, they express their different opinions seeking to attract support from the citizenry, which will ultimately endorse or not the measures that the president is going to take.