In this situation, <span>bettys mom is creating Conditions of worth for her daughter
Conditions of worth is a list of requirements that someone give to other people in order to receive their love or acknowledgement
This conditions will program Betty to maintain hygienic behavior in exchange of her mothers acceptance accceptance</span>
The special kind of response to negative reinforcement that is evident in Jacky's case would be: <span>Avoidance learning
</span><span>Avoidance learning is a person natural response that choose to avoid unpleasant situation by making an effort to avoid those situation again. This behavior make jacky studied harder so she wouldn't have to feel the sense of failure again.</span>
that would be the answer to your multi question
The effect of the Passage of the Jones Act on the Philippines was it granted them full independence and self government to the Philippines. The law was enacted in the sixty-fourth United States Congress on August 29, 1916 which contained the full declaration of the Philippines' full independence.
Conditiile favorabile invatarii sunt:
-o camera luminata
-sa fi odihnit
-sa citesti cu atentie lectia\lectiile ce trebuiesc invatate
-loc spatios
-sa nu fi stresat
-sa fi concentrat
-aerul sa fie destul de curat
Sa ai o zi buna!!~~~ :)