1) which
2) whose
3) who
4) which
5) whose
6) who
7) which
8) who
9) whose
10) whose
11) where
12) where
I hope that hlped. Have a good one!!
Pretentious is synonymous to C. SHOWY.
You are pretentious when you attempt to impress people by affecting greater importance or talent than is actually possessed.
Other synonyms of pretentious aside from showy are:
ostentatious, overambitious, pompous, grandiose, extravagant, flamboyant, overblown, magniloquent, and many more.
absurd is synonymous to foolish or unreasonable
argumentative is synonymous to quarrelsome, contrary
annoyed is synonymous to irritated, irk
Mrs. Hutton was the spouse of the essayist and artistic faultfinder Laurence Hutton. At the Huttons' New York home, Helen Keller met a large portion of the main scholarly figures of the day, including William Dean Howells and Mark Twain. At the point when Keller went to Radcliffe, Mrs. Hutton sent her empowering letters. Keller likewise composed letters to Mrs. Hutton refreshing her companion about her advance however school and thinking back about the circumstances they had spent together.
Here’s 4… Gihon,Pishon ,Hiddekel, phirat…