Library is to book as book is to words or knowledge
It gives lots of detail in the stories, it has parts that kids would like more and adults would like more. It's a fun series of books and movies for everyone.
“Alfred Sewell ended his discussion of Chicago with a stirring prediction: ‘The city will nevertheless rise again, nay, is already rising, like the Phoenix, from her ashes. And she will, we believe, be a better city as well as a greater one, than she was before her disaster.’”
This is the best option because it gives the feeling of hope. The image of the Phoenix rising out of the ashes is meant to show that Chicago will once rise again. It will come back and be even better. The quote says that the city will "rise again" and "is already rising". Two of the other options only speak of the devastation of the fire. The option about the workers tells about the demand for laborers but it doesn't necessarily evoke a sense of hope in rebuilding.
Answer: E) My mother considered the idea of a child sleeping alone a cruel American practice.
This sentence shows that the mother had a cultural background that was different from the American one. Even though for most Americans, a child sleeping alone would be common, for her it was a cruel practice. The excerpt shows that Hema's mother does not endorse all American practices, which indicates she has a different cultural heritage, in this case, a Bengali one.
I think you can create your own page for a travel brochure about spain
-talk about the the people
- about the climate
-some famous places to visit
-talk about government
Overall in think you should pick a famous place to visit and then write about and also to include picture's.