The most likely to happen if an athlete breaks his arm and must wear a cast and not use that arm for six weeks'Muscles in the injured arm will get smaller because they are not being used.'
So therefore when an arm is broken it is only the bone that is broken the muscle remains intact but use of the arm within that period is what will determine the increase or decrease of muscle strength.
since by the statement above we have been able to establish the fact that the arm is not being used then we can conclude that strength of the muscle will decrease.
population in rural area is higher than the urban area.
Well if you like a sport you will most likely put all of your effort to it. And if you don’t like the sport you would probably not care and just play.
Abdominocentesis<span> ab·dom·i·no·cen·te·sis (āb-dŏm'ə-nō-sěn-tē'sĭs) n. Surgical puncture of the abdomen by a needle to withdraw fluid; abdominal paracentesis. Also called celiocentesis , celioparacentesis . The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary.</span>