Animals, plants, fungi and bacteria use carbohydrates in varying ways. For plants, carbohydrates form a large part of their structure in the form of cellulose. Animals use carbohydrates primarily for energy, such as starch, glucose and other sugars. Bacteria use carbohydrates for both structure and energy.
Step 1: glucose is broken down into 2 molecules of pyruvate
Step 2: Completes breakdown of carbon dioxide, makes small amounts of ATP, provides electrons
Step 3: electron transport chain, chemiosmosis; energy from electrons-- produces 32 ATP
There are many types of evidence which support the theory of evolution such as comparative anatomy, fossil records, phylogenetic relationship, embryology et cetera
Comparative anatomy includes homologous organs and analogous organs. They support divergent and convergent evolution respectively.
For example, the homologous structure of limb of humans, birds, bat, horse, whale et cetera show that they are made up of the same set of bones which are humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges.
It shows divergent evolution and supports that these organisms have evolved from a common ancestor.
Embryological evidence: When early stages of embryological development of different organisms are compared, it is found that these stages are similar at different levels of development.
For example:
- The appearance of pharyngeal-arch (gill-like structures) in vertebrates during embryo development.
- Salamanders and terrestrial frogs pass through larval stages within an egg. They possess the features similar to aquatic larvae, however, when they hatched out the eggs being ready for life on land.
how changes in biodiversity impact an ecosystem
Water hyacinth is a free-floating perennial aquatic plant. This plant is native to tropical and sub-tropical South America. As an invasive species, when it grows in the new environment causes severe ecological or economic harm. By growing where it not native, it can spread extremely fast, blanketing a water surface in a very short period of time. It can limit boat traffic, swimming, and fishing, and it can deprive native plants and animals of sunlight and oxygen, thus reducing the local biodiversity.
This is how an ecosystem effects biodiversity impact. When a biological species grows in the new environment, It can affect the biodiversity or environment that can affect the biological species.