Program for the above question in python:
mass = float(input("Enter the mass in grams")) # It is used to take the mass as input.
density = float(input("Enter the density grams per cm cube")) # It is used to take the input for the grams.
print("Volume ={:.2f}".format(mass/density)) #It is used to print the Volume.
- If the user inputs as 2.98 and 3.2, then it will results as 0.92.
- The above code is in python language, in which the first statement is used to take the inputs from the user for the mass and sore it into a mass variable.
- Then the second statement also takes the input from the user and store it into a density variable.
- Then the third statement of the code is used to print the volume up to two places using the above-defined formula.
With mobile phone you can access data/internet wherever reception/coverage whereas desktop users cannot
So Reiner And Bertoldt wanted to take Eren and Ymir to Marley, a nation on the other side of the ocean so they can be devoured and there power can be given to a warrior canidate.
java: error
C: false
In Java the compiler understand that you are trying to compare an integer (15) with a boolean (10 > 5) this generate the next error:
error: bad operand types for binary operator
In C the compiler convert (15 > 10 > 5) in (15>10) > (10>5) which is equal to TRUE > TRUE, the compiler can also read it as 1 > 1 (since 1 is TRUE and 0 is FALSE). like 1>1 is false then C program return false.
Establishing Shots are critical in a film. They clue the viewer where this next scene is about to take place. Each time the location of a scene shifts, a new establishing shot does exactly; what its name implies: it establishes where the story will now continue, and fiction writers need to do the same thing.