Griswold v. Connecticut was the first case in which the Supreme Course first mentioned the right to privacy.
The correct answer is: Reminisence bump.
The reminiscence bump can be understood as a psychological and cognitive phenomenon in which individuals, typically adults over forty have an enhanced capacity to recall events that occurred to them during their adolescence years encompassing their middle school and highschool years and the first years of early adulthood.
In this particular case, Lee Anne is telling her children stories about when she was young. Although the children keep asking Lee Anne for stories about when she was a little girl, Lee Anne can more easily remember events when she was a teenager and in her 20s. Lee Anne's memories are consistent with the idea of the Reminisence bump.
I am gonna tell you some of the Downs
1. Huang He
3. Archipelago
4. Amazon River
5. 24 Pounds
7. Savar Building
8. Minimum Wage
10. Laos
11. Industrial
Laozi is traditionally regarded as one of the founders of Taoism and is closely associated in this context with "original" or "primordial" Taoism. Whether he actually existed is disputed; however, the work attributed to him—the Tao Te Ching—is dated to the late 4th century BCE.
Answer: External locus of control
Explanation: There is an internal and external locus of control, and Justin has an external locus. Those people who tie their work, success or failure exclusively to their own efforts, regardless of external factors, have an internal locus of control.
Unlike them, Justin attributes his successes, or failure in this case, to external influences, specifically because of the conspiracy of three teachers to give the same due dates, and therefore he has an external locus of control. Simply put, Justin and others like him tend to blame others for their own failures. In the case of the success of people with external locus of control, this success can be attributed to luck, fate, the circumstances of the environment, and even divine intervention.