There is no option for your question but by the definiiton of Cult of domesticity is possible to understand the concept.
Between 1820 and the Civil War, the growth of new industries,
businesses and professions helped to create in America a new middle class. (The Middle class consisted of families whose husbands worked as lawyers, office workers, factory managers, merchants, teachers, physicians, and others.) At that moment it was important for those groups developed the idea of womanhood. It means to create standards for women who belong to that group. A type of rules. Those rules had essentially four parts‐‐four characteristics any good and proper young woman should cultivate: piety, purity, domesticity, and submissiveness. It´s important to remember that rules were created to white women. At that time slavery still happening in the United States.
The book of Charles Dana Gibson, No Time for Politics, 1910 says:
"The Cult of Domesticity developed as family lost its function as
economic unit. Many of links between family and community closed off as work left home. Emergence of market economy and the devaluation of womenʹs work. Increasingly, then, home became a self‐contained unit. Privacy was a crucial issue for nineteenth‐century families, and can see this concern in the spatial development of suburbs in urban areas as families sought single family dwellings were they could be even more isolated from others. Women remained in the home, as a kind of cultural hostage".
Collectivist Cultures are more likely to commit Fundamental Attribution Error.
Fundamental Attribution Error is a concept in which any kind of action of person is attributed by a person to disposition or behavior instead of circumstance or situation.
<u>Individualistic societies are easier to understand individual choices and impulsive actions while socially collective societies tend to generalize behavior in terms of socially accepted codes.</u>
As such, collectivists would usually attribute actions through their bias.
Hey There!
The documents you need to make a passport are, a driver license, photocopy of important documents and a government/military issued card (only if you have one)
Have A Brainly Day!
An element <u>period </u>is its row in the periodic table.