because a cold is a virus and not a bacteria.
The movement of glucose across the cell membrane through facilitated diffusion one of the form of passive transport because it does not require the energy to transport the glucose molecule across the cell membrane and the transport is along the concentration gradient.
In facilitated diffusion the passage of molecules if facilitated by a carrier protein or a channel protein. The rate of transport of molecules in facilitated diffusion is greater than simple diffusion.
Through facilitated diffusion, some polar and charged molecules can cross the cell membrane without the expense of energy.
The increase in the human population and waste it produces, deforestation , peat bog destruction and global warming are all reducing biodiversity
Internal Fertilization: Mammals,birds and reptiles in them the mode of fertilization is internal
External Fertilization: Amphibians and fishes used external fertilization.
Egg laying Animals;Birds,reptiles and some mammals platypus lays eggs.
Fertilization is a process in which a female egg (Ovum) and male egg (sperm) unite to form a zygote.A zygote is a fertilized egg which grows within an embryo.The process of fertilization is important in eukaryotes such as animals, humans,birds and plants. Fertilization divides a cell into many daughter cells by the process of mitosis and meiosis.It doubles the chromosome numbers.Fertilization are of two types internal and external.
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