After being caught in Japanese waters, and taken prisoners, Louie and Phil were treated nicely and with respect while on the ship, good food and treats, medical care and so on; they even were untied from time to time. But while off the ship on Execution Island they were brutally handled and physically abused, they were put in small cells, no medical care and with meager food, no dignity neither humanity.
title of the story: beauxbatons Adventure
characters: Madam Maxime Cossete Levaurt Melani Cartes Fleur Delacour
setting: beauxbatons academy of magic Paris France Levaurt Manor Forest Of Beauty
plot: cossete is a girl who truly wants adventure but her mother has another idea you see cossete isn’t a normal Girl she’s a witch and very rich if I do say so. She goes to Beaxbatons to learn bith spells and potions but she also had adventures.
theme: You Never Get What You Want Unless you Work Hard
(all my ideas came from JK Rowlings Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire)
Explanation: hope this helps and give my brainliest please
I thnk it might be C, but 100% sure.
C. Simple. Black Lives Matter.