1. Vincent and Susie are irresponsible parents becuase they had more children than they could afford to take care of. Most of their children are unable to go to school due to finacial difficulties. The youngest child is also sick due to premature birth and is suffering with dirrhea. There is not enough food in the house too and Susie's health is also badly affected due to numerous pregnancies.
2. Susie has undergone 8 pregancies in which only 6 has survied. This tells us that her body is unable to handle any more pregancies. Her health is also detoriating. More pregancies can badly affect the health of the baby as well Susie's.
Your overall ability to accept challenges in your life. To make you a better person.
Nutrients and waste products are exchanged between the mother and her baby through the placenta and umbilical cord without any mixing of their blood.
i got this off the wonderful world of the internet
The answer is D. Fever
Fever is not one of the four most common indicators of the inflammatory response. The inflammatory response is a form of manifestation of many diseases, and is nothing more than a nonspecific response of the organism to an aggressive agent. This inflammatory response occurs in vascularized connective tissues and is given with the sole objective of isolating and destroying the aggressor as well as repairing the damaged tissue or organ.