<span>"peace in our time."
i feel my eyes are playing tricks on me again, every time i look i see it...them. with the deep cuts on my skin and my missing teeth around me i try to find my flash light which had flung when i tripped. not being able to find it i get up and run as fast as i can away from them... the hunters. the challenge just started yesterday and already im about to loose, i already lost my team, 1 shot by a hunter with the blood oozing out of her head and the other... never mind.
so no real answer here i just started writing lol
Confucianism used the Chinese silk trade to spread and Buddhism used the Indian spice trade to spread, include things such as the silk road in your written answer.
What exactly is the question here?
A monarchy is a type of government ruled by a hereditary ruler, such as a king or queen. A theocracy, on the other hand, is a system where a small group of religious leaders rule in the name of a god. A monarch who claims the divine right of kings uses their religion to justify their position of power. (See image: Courtesy of tvtropes.org) A monarch can claim to rule by god's will, but doesn't have to be a religious leader.