Electron transport chain and chemiosmosis/ oxidative phosphorylation
Intelligence is basically the ability to learn. It is described as being able to gain knowledge and skills and applying it. So it is not just about knowing things and being able to do things, it also has something to do with being able to "use" knowledge and skills.
With that, the individual is able to understand or like it is mentioned in your question, <u>grasp</u> complex ideas and at the same time, they can use those complex ideas to solve complex problems.
The oceans are present on the 70 percent of the world but only 5 percent of the total oceans are explored yet.
There are many reasons of this problem but the most important is the hydrostatic pressure.
Hydrostatic pressure can be described as the pressure or weight exerted by the water on the object.
With every increase in 10 meters the pressure increase by 6.47kg (14.27lbs) each square inch of surface.
Due to extreme pressure, oxygen level in the cells of body fluctuates and person becomes unstable and can become unconscious.
How Does Sensory Memory Work?
During every moment of your existence, your senses are constantly taking in an enormous amount of information about what you see, feel, smell, hear, and taste. While this information is important, there is simply no way to remember each and every detail about what you experience at every moment. Instead, your sensory memory creates something of a quick "snapshot" of the world around you, allowing you to briefly focus your attention on relevant details.
Types of Sensory Memory
Experts also believe that different senses have different types of sensory memory. The different types of sensory memory have also been shown to have slightly different durations.
Iconic memory, also known as visual sensory memory, involves a very brief image. This type of sensory memory typically lasts for about one-quarter to one-half of a second.
Echoic memory, also known as auditory sensory memory, involves a very brief memory of sound a bit like an echo. This type of sensory memory can last for up to three to four seconds.
Haptic memory, also known as tactile memory, involves the very brief memory of a touch. This type of sensory memory lasts for approximately two seconds.
Nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids are the four major types of biomolecules that form all living things. These biomolecules consists of monomers linked together by covalent bonds to form polymers.
- Nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids can be classified according to their basic elements, monomer constituents, and functions.
Basic elements:
- Nucleic acids: Hydrogen (H); Carbon (C); Oxygen (O); Nitrogen (N); Phosphorous (P)
- Proteins: Hydrogen (H); Carbon (C); Oxygen (O); Nitrogen (N); Sulfur (Z)
- Carbohydrates: Hydrogen (H); Carbon (C); Oxygen (O)
- Lipids: Hydrogen (H); Carbon (C); Oxygen (O); Phosphorous (P)
Monomer constituents:
- Nucleic acids: nucleotides
- Proteins: amino acids
- Carbohydrates: monosaccharides
- Lipids: fatty acids and glycerol
- Nucleic acids: contains the hereditary information to synthesize proteins
- Proteins: regulate metabolic processes (enzymes), the main biomolecule of cellular structures
- Carbohydrates: store energy (short term); form cellular structures
- Lipids: store energy (long term); the main component of biological membranes
- Nucleic acids: DNA and RNA
- Proteins: lactase; collagen
- Carbohydrates: starch (polysaccharide); glucose (monosacharide)
- Lipids: phospholipids; cholesterol
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