Assuming this can only have one answer, i believe adware is very far from the type of malware that did infect the system, Spyware.
A trademark is an easily recognizable symbol, phrase, or word that denotes a specific product. It legally differentiates a product or service from all others of its kind and recognizes the source company's ownership of the brand.
"Copyright" literally means the right to copy but has come to mean that body of exclusive rights granted by law to copyright owners for protection of their work. Copyright protection does not extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, title, principle, or discovery.
Fair use is a doctrine in United States law that permits limited use of copyrighted material without having to first acquire permission from the copyright holder.
The standard QWERTY layout keyboard is called 'QWERTY' because on the top line of the keyboard the first 6 letters from chronological left to right order are; Q, W, E, R, T, and Y.
Or...if you're wondering why it's QWERTY and not ABCDEF, it's because when typing with the alphabetical format, many of the keys would clash with each other due to the arrangement of keys on the original typewriter. The QWERTY layout became so popular, it was the standardized layout for typewriters, and even keyboards today.
A. Data Type.
Data Types can be integers, strings, chars, shorts, ect, and describes what types of values can be stored.
This statement checks if num1 is equal to the absolute value of num1
For instance,
num1 = 4 and the absolute value of num1 = 4. This would run the code inside the if statement but if num1 = -1 the absolute value of num1 = 1 and the if stamtent would be skipped because -1 does not equal 1