Answer and Explanation:
1. Bradford uses words like "savages", "cruel", "brutal", "barbarians" and "treacherous". He says that one of the biggest challenges to establish in America would be to live “in continual danger of the savage people who are cruel, barbarious, and most treacherous”
2. This position of Bradford in relation to the indigenous people shows a negative connotation of the indigenous people and portrays them as irrational beasts and lacking an intellect that allows them to think and act in a civilized way. Probably, Bradford, drew this conclusion from stories he had heard in England about the aggressiveness and lack of civilization of the Indians, however, we know that the Indians were essential to the success of the colony that Bradford was established.
3. The choice of words and the diction used by Bradford gives the text an uncomfortable impact, as it shows the ignorant and adverse view of the colonizers with the natives and reinforcing the European view that native peoples should be suppressed and act in a submissive way. land that rightfully was theirs.
This quote means that even though climate change has been known about for a long time, our generation is feeling and living the repercussions of it, nothing has been done to change it.
Actually I need some time I will send u this all answers tomorrow. ..hope u understand. ..