You didn't show a picture of the tree so I don't know either
"The author portrays the character with a few simple traits" would describe a flat character, since "flat" is the opposite of "deep" when it comes to showing different character trains, personality flaws, etc.
The type of weathering that occurs is abrasion.
Iguazu Falls are one of the highest waterfalls in the world and the biggest waterfall system in the world. The amount of water that falls down these waterfalls is enormous, and that combined with the height gives the water a lot of power. The water is carrying huge amounts of pebbles, rocks, the debris of all sorts and sizes, and they combined with the water manage to erode the bedrock.
As the water carries all of the material with it, it scratches the surface of the bedrock, and as it does it gradually makes the surface of the bedrock smooth. At the waterfalls themselves, the power with which the water and the material it carries are much bigger so they manage to create a very deep caldron-like hole in the bedrock below the waterfall, and plus smoothens its surface.
Space must then itself also be finite because it is merely a receptacle for material bodies. On the other hand, the heavens must be temporally infinite, without beginning or end, since they are imperishable and cannot be created or destroyed.
The answer to this question is B.) China and India. China has apporiximently 700,000,000 people and India has approximently 500,000,000 people. Making up for 36% of the worlds population.