The following are the answers:
1. Spanish-American War - The Spanish-American
War continued only a small number of months and was ended when Spain contracted
a peace treaty openhanded the United States governing Cuba, Puerto
Rico, the Philippine Islands, and Guam. Cuba became an independent
country somewhat than a U.S. land.
2. General Leonard Wood - He was a United States
Army major. He served as the Military Governor of Cuba, Chief of Staff of the
United States Army, and Governor General of the Philippines.
3. Big Stick policy - policy of prudently
arbitrated negotiation ("talking softly") reinforced by the tacit
threat of an influential military ("big stick")
4. Pancho Villa – One of the most projecting individuals
of the Mexican Revolution.
5. Isolationism - a policy of left over apart
from the matters or welfares of other groups, particularly the political dealings
of other republics.
6. Corollary - starting a proposition that shadows
from one already demonstrated.
To explain why they are declaring independence from britain
I am assuming you are talking about the declaration of independence
52 hostages held in Iran since November 1979 are released ending a 444 day hostage situation.
The name for the process of determining the number of seats to which each state is entitled in the U.S. House of Representatives is "<span>apportion," although it is also known as "defining districts". </span>