I believe you must use your claim...but I'm not sure
This requires a great deal of planning. You must first start with what you MOST want to highlight, making sure you hit all of the requirements. Each highlighted part should be its own box. From there, add a detail to each along with the commentary. Then time it. If you go over, see what you can possibly eliminate. If it isn’t long enough, add more detail where you can. Make sure that is is well-organized from start to finish. This will require trial and error, but proper planning will help.
Hi! I don't know exactly what you want, but I can give you some tips and points to use.
- Safety : it is easy and fast to call emergency services
- Time-saving : being able to surf the web without a computer saves a lot of time, and time is money!
- Communication : cell phones keep us in touch with friends and loved ones
-World Access : We have the whole world at our fingertips and can connect to people around the globe.
- DO NOT FORGET A COUNTER ARGUMENT!!! For example, if you were arguing for the safety aspect, you could say something like, "Although it can be argued that cell phone use can cause harm to teens, cell phones contribute to a lot of kids' and teens' safety because ....blah blah blah."
- USE STATISTICS! Teachers eat that stuff up. Do not be afraid to just throw them into a paragraph to back something up.
That is pretty much all I can think of rn. Good luck! :)
My dear Viktor,
In your previous letter you asked me to describe one of our festivals. Dear friend, Diwali is our most sacred and colourful festival. It is a festival of lights. It is celebrated at the end of the rainy season and the beginning of the winter season. It is celebrated all over India in honour of Lord Rama’s return to Ayodhya after a long exile in the forest.
Great preparations are made many days before the festival. The houses and shops are painted, well cleaned and gaily decorated. In every house sweets are prepared or purchased from the market. Sweets are exchanged among friends and relatives.
The day itself is marked with great rejoicing and merry making. At night, Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, is worshipped in every Hindu home and everybody prays for health and wealth. Some people illuminate their houses with multicoloured electric bulbs. The children specially enjoy this festival. They get toys, sweets and delicious dishes to eat. They explode crackers and indulge in fun and frolic. There is nothing to equal it in any religion or country.
Yours Sincerely,