The two major Welfare programs are Medicare and Social Security. These two welfare programs are facing serious issues, the first one is the "legitimacy" which refer to questions "who will benefit and how they will be served". The second issue is "the cost" which refer to questions "Who will pay and how much".
The patriots were the ones who rebelled against Britain and wanted independence from them. The Sons of Liberty would most likely be supported from that group.
Sheldon has to buy 10 packages from Bridget’s Bakery, and 6 packages from Penny’s Pastries.
All civilizations pass through five stages: Genesis, Growth, Troubles, Universal State, and Collapse.
According to Arnold J. Toynbee, the five stages of a civilization can be summarized by the following:
Genesis - is the beginning of civilization. This stage could be regarded as the "natural" state of humanity. Authority and organization are at a minimal. It is primarily under the influence of neophobes.
Growth - This stage marks the point where humans decide to over-power nature and utilize it however they can to acquire power. They erect fences and divide the Earth up by many straight lines.
Universal state - this stage happens when a civilization grows so fast and easily that becomes an empire.
Time of troubles - because of the growth stage, civilizations often face periods of riots, crisis, social conflicts, and loss of authority.
Collapse - The final stage of the process. The inevitable outcome of the very first neophile uprising for growth. It leads to a second revolution to go back in on itself. It wants not to want creation but destruction.