Both texts show how the concept of equality among citizens was being built and was influenced by the American civil war.
"Gettysburg Address" and "The peace monument" are two texts related to the American civil war that brought so many problems to the country and that questioned the concept that America was a place of equality and freedom.
In "Gettysburg Address," we can see how Lincoln reinforces that this war was motivated by a lack of respect for the concept of equality and freedom that the founding fathers created. This lack of respect created divisions and strife among the Americans, who saw each other better than the others, thus motivating a war between the two sides of the nation. However, Lincoln claimed that in the name of the gentlemen who died in the conflicts, America would now be a united nation, so that the sacrifices of these men were not in vain.
"The peace monument," however, shows that this is not quite what happened, since the northern and southern states did not come together for many decades after the war and although the country was one, there were many conflicts ideological between these two sides of the country. However, after years of intrigue, a monument was established in honor of the men who sacrificed themselves and died in the war defending the wishes of their territories. The monument paid tribute not only to Union or Confederacy soldiers, but to all American soldiers who had to face this conflict. Therefore, this monument was not seen as a war monument, but as a monument of peace, which sealed the comparison between all the states of the country.
His "best friend" and fellow soldier before he ascended to kingship, Banquo. One of the prophecies mentions Banquo's predecessors being Kings, as in his son, grandson, great-grandson etc. So Macbeth orders for him and his son to be killed so that he may never produce a child that threatens Macbeth's throne. However Banquo's son survives, and Banquo does not.
That's false he said this because he was saying that he doesn't want the country to split, it'll only make them weaker, he wanted the state to be all slave or all free and did not want anyone leave.
The reporter interiewed the student.
To switch to an active voice - have the subject (the reporter) performing the verb (interviewed) the predicate (student)