The Freikorps
The Freikorps were rebellious military soldiers from WWI that had a positive impact on German society. Former senior officers in the German Army began raising private armies after the First World War whom we called Freikorps. They played a key role in borders by preventing the Red army from entering Germany. With the regulations and laws after signing the treaty of Versailles Germany felt necessary to develop a secret army to protect its nation and people.
El Perú se caracteriza por su diversidad lingüística, actualmente se reconoce 48 lenguas originarias por ello en zonas indígenas y amazónicas se promueve la: Educación intercultural bilingüe Educación pluricultural bilingüe Educación multicultural bilingüe Educación acultural bilingüe
The answer is d: huge numbers of Africans died within a few years of arriving in the Americas. Many Africans who were captured were put in cramped conditions where many of them did not survive the trip. Those who did were sold and were made to work on plantations. Some slaves where whipped if they angered their masters while others died either from over worked or cruelty.