King dreams that white and black children will hold hands, and have peace between the two.
Popularity, social class, architecture
The ancient Egyptians thought pharoahs as gods themselves, similar to how many adore celebrities today. The Egyptians had a social class system related to money. The sandstone bricks used to make the pyramids and the sphinx are all exactly the same size, and to this day archaeologists couldn't figure out how they are the same size and shape.
I agree
Democracy is fragile, and we all know it, people can exploit the system, but it has prevailed, and we still have a functioning system today, the concept of democracy helps itself stay stable, and even if it starts to rock back and forth, it will still stand, because the votes of people, not kings or queens, help the people.
He wanted to end slavery everywhere and set a precedent that states leaving the U.S was not tolerated
It's a lot of problems but the big problem is losing their jobs and houses and don't have enough food and clothes